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Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Battle of Lake Trasimene

Images are from Google

217 BC
At Hannibal's campaign against Rome, he was passing by the Lake Trasimene when a Roman army was camped at the other side of the lake. Then it happened, the battle of Lake Trasimene. Hannibal with the support of the Gauls are 50,000+ in strength and the Romans were 40,000. The Romans once again underestimated Hannibal, for if he did he would send far more men than just 40,00. Once again Hannibal was brilliant as hell. He hid more than half his men to the woods nearby therefore only showing a small amount of his army. The Romans were too cocky and so Gaius Flaminius charged his whole army into the battlefield, hoping to crush the enemy. When Gaius Flaminius's army was nearing to collide with Hannibal's the hidden army charged putting the Romans into fear. The Romans were being pushed closer and closer to the lake. When the Romans reached the lake their death was certain, their armor was too heavy to evade and their sheilds are also heavy to move, the Romans were defeated again for the 2nd decisive time.

* Another win to Hannibal, in Roman soil where Romans have the advantage. Also Hannibal has a limited supply of food, water and men, but the Romans has a lifetime of supply of those things.

Battle of River Trebia

From Google Images


The battle of river Trebia was led by Hannibals men in Carthage and Tiberius Sempronius Longus in the Romans. Hannibal was greatly outnumbered by the roman forces.This was his strategy, he intimidated the Roman army with his Numidian mercenary cavalry, and the Romans fell for it. The Romans crossed the river and Hannibal sprung his trap. His best cavalry went out of the trees and attacked the Romans from the sides. The attack worked but the Romans were still fighting, so Hannibal sent his elephants to the Romans and then the Romans panicked and fled leaving the Roman army in dissaray and therefore killing Tiberius Sempronius Longus.

*Hannibal's Strategy was brilliant, to think that after a long climb across the Alps, in the middle of winter, he would still have enough energy to win a battle.

Historical Battles

From Google Images.

Some of the Historical Battles over the BC's
1. Battle of River Trebia= Victor- Carthaginians Losers- Romans
2. Battle of Lake Trasimene= Victor- Carthaginians Losers- Romans
3. Battle of Cannae= Victor- Carthaginians Losers- Romans
4. Siege of Tyre= Victor- Macedonians Losers- Tyrians
5. Battle of Carrhae= Victor- Parthians Losers- Romans
6. Siege of Sparta= Victor- The Selucids Losers- The Greek Cities
7. Siege of Jerusalem= Victor- Romans Losers- Jewish Rebels
8. Siege of Yodfat= Victor- Romans Losers- Jews
9. Battle of Hydaspus River= Victor- Macedonians Losers- Indians
10. Siege of Alesia= Victor- Romans Losers- Gauls
11. Battle of Gregovia= Victor- Gauls Loser- Romans
12. Battle of Zama= Victor- Gauls Losers- Romans

*These battles are not in order


Welcome, to the Eternal Warfare. In this blog I talk about Great wars and the best strategies of generals throughout history, from BC to AD. From the Ancient to the Modern World all will be considered.